You have the Ability

Ability Nutrition Therapy is founded on the belief that anyone can rebuild a positive, more sustainable relationship with food- especially when they’re given the tools and support to do so. We hope to provide empathetic, evidence-based care to all of our clients.


Hey there, my name is Abi Ploch, RD, LD.

I completed my Bachelors in Nutrition Science and dietetic internship at the University of Texas at Austin. Since then, my primary focus has been helping individuals with disordered eating and eating disorders find their way to recovery. I’ve worked in multiple levels of care of eating disorder treatment (partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient) and have experienced the joys of supporting my clients in re-aligning with their values and re-writing their story through ED recovery. I love working with someone to get to the root of how and why their relationship with food has become what it has, and thoroughly enjoy helping someone challenge and unlearn the distortions about food and bodies that keep them stuck, as well as find the tools and self-knowledge to rebuild trust in both food and their body.

Fact of the matter is, food isn’t just food. It’s a foundational need, it’s a method of coping/perceived control (or lack thereof), it’s a way to build community, it’s a way to bond, it’s a way to experience your heritage and culture and family. It’s also something that we’re told we need to be hyper-aware of, hyper-vigilant, and mistrusting of, at times. It doesn’t have to be that way. Nutrition is much more simple than we make it, though all of the meaning we attach to food makes it incredibly complicated.

When choosing a dietitian, it’s helpful to know a little about our nutrition philosophy. I follow a non-diet, weight neutral approach to nutrition and utilize this framework when making dietary recommendations to my clients. I believe in an All Foods Fit approach to food- meaning, you’ll never hear me use terms like “good” or “bad”, or recommend “cutting out” certain foods from your eating pattern (barring those with diagnosed food intolerances, allergies, or chronic health conditions with specific nutrition implications- even so, recommendations are made on a case-by-case basis, and there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to nutritional needs). We are able to get something positive from any and all foods we include in our dietary patterns. I frequently incorporate Intuitive Eating and mindful eating practices in my education and recommendations.

Telehealth appointments only. Abi is licensed in TX and can provide care in non-licensed states.